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Mercedes-Benz Authorised Accident Repairs Sydney

Mercedes-Benz Authorised Smash Repairs Miranda Auto Body

Mercedes-Benz have recognised our superior quality repairs and high calibre of craftsmanship and engaged us to become an authorised manufacturer approved accident repair centre.

All quotes must be scheduled with our office.

Our busy repair centre requires you to book in for quotes!

Becoming an authorised Mercedes-Benz accident repairer in 2012 was one of our greatest milestones and prestigious accomplishments for Miranda AutoBody. Being recognised for our outstanding excellence in auto body repairs as well as our quality customer service and professional reputation, is very rewarding to us and we are extremely proud to offer our high calibre of services to our community. To achieve this, we require that quotes are booked in via our office - BOOK NOW.


All quotes must be booking in through our office, to provide you with the highest quality customer service and acute focus on your prestige vehicle and you, when you come in for a quote.


Our official Mercedes-Benz Authorised Auto Body website can be found here: Miranda Auto Body - Mercedes Auto Body


You can become a priority client by registering here and allow us to help remove the stress if you are involved in a car accident.


Contact Our 24hr Accident Support  (02) 9525 8673

If you have just had an accident, please contact us immediately and we will help you navigate the process and remove the stress! Make sure you have contact emergency services before us, if someone is hurt, injured or requires assistance via 000.

Our Authorised Mercedes-Benz Accident Repairs Centre Sydney


Authorised Mercedes-Benz Auto Body Repairers are uniquely qualified to restore your Mercedes-Benz to its pre-accident condition.


Authorised Mercedes-Benz Autobody Repairers provide you with the security of knowing that your repair experience will be seamless. Only authorised Mercedes-Benz Autobody Repairers provide the right genuine parts, the right equipment and the right people.


Our official Mercedes Repair Website can be found here with everything you need to know about repairing your Mercedes-Benz.


The Right Parts

Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts maintain an exact fit and exceptional standard of quality, while ensuring the precise craftsmanship and premium performance of yourMercedes-Benz.


The Right Equipment

Mercedes-Benz approved equipment includes tools, parts, paints as well as a dedicated fixture bench. The fixture bench has been developed exclusively from Mercedes-Benz vehicle blueprints so that repairs are made with assembly line accuracy.


The Right People

Our highly qualified technicians have advanced skills and training to ensure that repairs to the paintwork and body are performed with the utmost precision, commitment and care.


What is different about an authorised Mercedes-Benz Auto Body Repairer?


Miranda Auto Body is proud to be

authorised repairers for   


The Best or Nothing

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